Important Notice: Hurricane Milton Update
At Discount Lift Rentals, while we serve customers nationwide, our headquarters are based in Orlando, FL. We are back with power at work and our homes.
For urgent inquiries, please text us at 407-791-0925 or 407-617-8783.
Articulating Boom Lift Rental near you. Discount Lift Rentals is a family owned.
Articulating boom lift are designed to reach up and over obstacles or difficult circumstances. Not every job is a straight line to where you need to work scenario, most of the times there structures, equipment, cars, and other obstacles in the way and having the option of going over these elements and still reaching up is one of the biggest advantages of an articulated boom lift.
Telescopic boom lifts must have a straight line to where you are going to work. If you are working over a building then the boom lift must be placed back farther so it has a straight line to the work. Some times this requires a larger boom lift costing the client more money. The advantage is telescopic booms lifts can lift 1000 pounds in the basket when most articulated boom lifts only have a 500 pound capacity in the man basket.
Discount Lift Rentals has articulating boom lift rentals near you from a 45 foot to 150 foot.